This step-by-step instruction for the use of MercupW v1.2 with multiple instances of Mercupw was kindly provided by Kenneth McColl. Many thanks! ---- HANDLING MULTIPLE INSTANCES OF MERCURY WITH MERCUPW 1.2 1) Install MercupW multiple times. The simplest option is to copy MercupW.exe and mercupw.ini into each folder where you have an installation of Mercury. 2) For each installed instance of mercupw use a different InstanceNumber in the mercupw.ini file. InstanceNumbers should be real numbers, i.e. 1,2,3... (not 0) 3) Launch each instance of MercupW. You may need to allow for a short time delay between each start up. 3) Prepare a suitable batch file to start these instances of MercupW @echo off echo Starting Mercury using MercupW watchdogs... echo. echo Starting instance 1 start c:\mercury1\mercupw.exe wait -t10 echo Starting instance 2 start c:\mercury2\mercupw.exe echo Done! These will start each copy of Mercury automatically, renaming the title bar to match the InstanceNumber you provided. (You will also see an initial warning email being sent.) Notes: 1) If you do not have 'sleep.exe' (available with the resource kit) then you could use any suitable utility. This example uses a freeware utility '' with a time delay of 10 seconds. An exact delay is not known. 2) You need to use 'start' since MercupW does not return control to the command prompt until it exits. Using 'start' ensures the batch file continues and copies of MercupW start in parallel. ----